
The NTRLBU is managed by a Joint Committee.

Current Joint Committee

Deputy Mayor Stuart Bryant (Chair, TDC)

Cr Trindi Walker (TDC)

Cr Mel Courtney (NCC)

Cr Aaron Stallard (NCC)

Andrew Stephens (Iwi representative)

The Joint Committee comprises two representatives from each of the Councils and one iwi representative. The Joint Committee meets quarterly and special meetings are called as the need arises. A General Manager is appointed and is responsible for all activities of the NTRLBU. The General Manager presents a quarterly operational report and annual report to the Joint Committee and works with the Joint Committee to prepare a three-yearly business plan and Activity Management Plan.

The Joint Committee adopts a three-yearly business plan that sets the direction for the Business Unit and presents this to the two councils for feedback and approval. The business plan is reviewed and updated annually and is presented by the Joint Committee to the Joint Shareholders Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City councils.

At the end of each financial year an annual report covering compliance with levels of service, including resource consents and feedback on financial and non-financial performance measures, is adopted by the Joint Committee and presented to the Joint Shareholders Committee. 

The Activity Management Plan (AMP) guides long-term management of the landfills and the Business Unit and supports the councils’ Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan.

On-site management of the landfills is contracted out and Nelson City Council provides administration and treasury services.


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